Three components of psychological tutoring in technical high school

Solovieva, Elena
Tutushkina, Marina
Sankt-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

The teaching of psychology in technical high schools in Russia began about 10 years ago, though the diagnostic and consulting psychological groups there were in some high schools even before that. Our experience of the activity in a similar group displayed that the students and post-graduate students evaluated the knowledge of themselves as rate 7 - 9 from the 10-range scale. However, their qualitative answers contained mainly the definitions such as "strong or weak temperament ", " bad or good character " and " average or high abilities ", etc. It means that students had very limited psychological knowledge. Moreover, their main interest in psychology is concentrated first of all on the problems of communication and the ability of the influence on others.

We consider that there are three basic components of the psychological education of the non-psychological students. It is firstly the psychological culture including the knowledge of the basic psychology concepts, the knowledge of their own psychological features, understanding of the other people, culture of behavior and communication. The second one is the psychological competence: the complex of knowledge and skills, which is necessary for the solutions of different professional problems. In particular in St.Petersburg State University of Architecture, and Civil Engineering we have the courses of environmental, transport, economic psychology and the psychology of creativity. At last, the third component is the training of the relevant self-presentation skills.